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Undocumented Students are going to college… To drop out.

Each member of our team knows, first-hand, diffrent perspectives of living as undocumented students. From helping navigate healthcare while a loved one suffers illness, to helping a neighbor find their dad who’s been taken to an unknown detention center… And still making it to school. Each of us has an intimate understanding of how difficult it is to get to and through college.

Schools are now addressing institutional barriers that have forced many of us to drop-out in the past. Interventions to close equity gaps are being integrated throughout the state. And yet, undocumented students continue to struggle.
Cultural barriers
Decades of hurtful, dangerous, and dehumanizing encounters within institutions created a necessary culture of distrust that protected immigrant communities. UndocuScholars LLC is taking on the responsibility to build trust between immigrant communities and the schools that prepare their children for adulthood.
We do this to help
Because education helps people, which helps their families, which helps communities, which helps California.
UndocuScholars LLC trains schools on how to engender a culture of trust, parents on how to safely engage with their children’s education, and counselors on how to best matriculate students for community colleges. This spreads out the responsibility of helping undocumented students to and through college among multiple stakeholders in their network.
We call this collaboration between schools and community the UndocuScholar Network.
Our work aligns with and supplements all schools’ efforts to increase enrollment, retention, and graduation rates of students who come from undocumented families. This is because we share the same goal.


UndocuScholars LLC is a culturally focused organization dedicated to transforming educational institutions to better support undocumented students and their allies. Rooted in anthropological principles, our approach blends a deep understanding of cultural diversity with actionable strategies designed to foster inclusivity and equity in higher education.
Our Commitment
At the heart of our mission is an unwavering commitment to undocumented Californians and their communities. We believe in the power of education not only as a means to personal success but as a catalyst for collective liberation and societal growth. Our work is a declaration of belonging—a commitment to building a world where no one is left behind. By strengthening educational institutions through targeted support and advocacy, they nurture the resilience, creativity, and potential within every student they serve.
How We Work
Our approach integrates cultural awareness with practical solutions to enhance the educational experience for undocumented students. We offer professional development and training that equip educators and administrators with the knowledge and tools needed to understand and address the unique challenges faced by these students. Our strategies are designed to increase the rates of undocumented students enrolling in, staying in, and graduating from higher education institutions.
We have successfully engaged with thousands of educators across California, receiving positive feedback from campuses in every region. Our impact extends beyond state borders, reaching new heights through our collaboration with ILEAP in Mexico and expanding to other states such as Washington. Our work reflects a commitment to social transformation, drawing on diverse insights to advocate for dignity, accessibility, and collective well-being.
Our Vision
We envision a future where educational institutions serve as beacons of belonging, where students—regardless of their immigration status—are fully supported in their academic and personal journeys. By helping institutions transform from within, we aim to foster stronger, more connected communities that contribute to the collective well-being of society. Our work with undocumented students and allies is a deliberate act of hope and resistance, striving to create a more just and vibrant world where everyone has a place and no one is left behind.